lorraine-flowerWitnessing and facilitating the transformative power of groups of people cooperating at a high level has been a constant theme throughout my life. Whilst in many cases the members may not have been conscious of the higher energies at play, there is no doubt in my mind that steps had been made toward a level of oneness that reflects the power of Unity in diversity inherent in all things.
Power and beauty are hallmarks of a highly functioning group. Power that reflects the commitment to a shared purpose and the cohesion achieved as each ‘member’ plays its part to its fullest capability, finding the deeper meaning from selfless cooperation. Beauty that is visible when a mutual rhythm is effortlessly achieved and all parts ebb and flow, in work and rest, in a well-orchestrated union.
The need for a higher level of group work is evident in every department of life – business, politics, economy, religion and so on. Fostering the understanding of and commitment to the macrocosmic truth of inner and outer cooperation, interdependence and unity as the blueprint for all life; raising our collective group consciousness; and opening our hearts to each other as souls, are all key to building the gateway to the New Era of human and planetary existence.

Lorraine Flower
Lorraine is an Organisational and Leadership development consultant and coach working with senior leaders and their teams to raise consciousness about the impacts and potential of leadership and group work for contributing to the greater good. Combining a senior level corporate career and a highly regarded consultant career, she transmits and translates the Ageless Wisdom for a wider audience through her work including workshops, coaching, articles and books.

She has founded and been part of numerous spirituality in work related initiatives including The Foundation for Workplace Spiritualty, The International Conference on Organisational Spirituality and is currently a Steering Group member of the Reinventing Work Network within the Royal Society of Arts (UK). She is an active member of the Community of Living Ethics in Italy, a mentor with Sundial House and is the focaliser of an international Business and Politics Service Group dedicated to anchoring the planetary energies in the fields of business, economics and politics.