We are the path
Invitation to meet in the name of Those who guide and assist us from the world of Souls. Let us gather to create together a space of love and contact with the Realms of our true self. Let us be inspired and filled with all we need to fullfill our part as conscious co-creators of a soul inspired life on earth.
We will explore and connect with the energy of Synthesis, and its applications to all fields of human endeavor, particularly Wisdom applied to Service (to the evolutionary plan, to group development, to humanity, to the Kingdoms of nature, to our planet), in service of the common good.
Method, Times, Requirements
The 4 days sessions will include time for being inspired together through some inpirational material, exploring of essential tools and techniques transmitted by Lucille Cedercrans, Sri Aurobido, Mère applicable on themes related to Synthesis and Service and its application and manifestation in our daily living. There will be times for silence and contemplation, times for sharing in spirit of sisterhood/brotherhood, as part of an experience of community life/service.
Let the light of the soul inspire and the love of the heart re-unite. May the Love of the One fill our hearts and minds and all our being So that true unity may be found as we move on and find our place and function in the One Work as a pure reflection and expression of the Heavenly Being in whom we live, move and have our being. In gratitude to Those who stand before us and show us the Way.
Let your will become the will to serve and use it in the name of this service – Service is the act of arousing the perfection of the soul within every form
Seminar – Open to all – Training area: Meditation
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Elisabetta Raspini
Born in Rome the 10th of April 1952, Elisabetta was always interested in human consciousness, which she approached both by travelling and by studying a broad range of subjects including Psychosynthesis, Creative Meditation, Ethics and Ancient Wisdom, Esoteric Healing , Esoteric Astrology, Group Focalization, and the Human Types science. She also completed the Lucille Cedercrans [...]
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