Born in Rome the 10th of April 1952, Elisabetta was always interested in human consciousness, which she approached both by travelling and by studying a broad range of subjects including Psychosynthesis, Creative Meditation, Ethics and Ancient Wisdom, Esoteric Healing , Esoteric Astrology, Group Focalization, and the Human Types science.

She also completed the Lucille Cedercrans Training, which allowed her to hold study paths and seminars on this subject in Italy and internationally.

She participated to many international conferences, becoming member of groups such as the “World Service Intergroup” and the “Himalayan Community of Living Ethics ”. She is also a member of the Sundial house Association in UK andof  Meditation Mount in California, both of which aim to spread the Laws and Principles of the soul life and Creative meditation.  She is also an active member of the International Association for Creative Meditation.

She has been a member of the Community of Living Ethics since 1992, being particularly involved in projects about Group life and International inter-group relations.

Additional interests: Reiki, Tibetan Buddhism, Tai Chi Chuan and the study of vibrational fields.