The Journey to find your soul
We invite you to a workshop to bring your soul forward so that it can integrate your being and guide your life.
The seminar will be conducted by Loretta Shartsis, long time Aurovillian, artist, RESEARCH scholar, speaker on the teachings of Mere and Sri Aurobindo, among them the famous epic poem Savitri.
Method, times, requirements
The workshop take us on a double journey from the outermost part of our physical body, through all the inner planes of being, both individual and universal, to the most subtle universal region, the world soul, and the most subtle part of our own being, our own individual soul.
Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem Savitri, is the “map” for our inner yogic journeys. We will follow the yoga of king Aswapathy as he journeys through his inner being to the World Soul, and the yoga of Savitri as she journeys through her being to find her own soul.
The seminar will be conducted through 4 FOUR TALKS, starting Friday afternoon, till Sunday lunch:
- Introduction to Sri Aurobindo And Mother – The Soul-Its Source, Its Function, Its Role in our Evolution, and Its Future
- Traveling Up Through the Vital Planes-Universal and Individual
- Traveling Up Through the Mental Planes-Universal and Individual
- Traveling Higher and Deeper—Knowing the World Soul, Its Forces and Functions and Finding the Individual Soul
The workshop will be in English and Italian.